Celebrating Our Customers Birthdays With a Little Surprise On Your Special Day.
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Richards Guitars has always been more than just selling guitars - I've always wanted (often feeling frustratingly unable) to building a closer connection with my customers - with a kind of child like desperation to show my gratitude for their belief in what we do - which I have never lost (I think its called ADHD - but thats another story :) )
I remember 30 years ago, I would enter my customers' birthday into my computer - and some customers even got a card in the post - Now talking of ADHD - for someone with ADHD that was a major task, and I am sure it was appreciated by the few who ever got them! :)
So you can imagine my absolute joy that I can now recreate those memories and good sentiment that was generated from celebrating my customers Birthdays - all over again :)
So much has changed over the years - but my love and commitment to life and business never dwindles - nor my selfish pleasure of putting a smile on someone's face whenever possible.
If you'd like to share that with me - Feel free!
To receive your birthday treat - just login to your customer control panel and you will find it there.
If you have any problems, just let us know by email at [email protected]