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Dowina Guitars. Europes Leading Specialist

Dowina guitars - Words cannot possibly do justice to what makes these guitars SO special.  Pretty much every aspect of what Dowina guitars are and what they represent is unique to the industry.  

A small boutique acoustic guitar builder in Slovakia who can help you build an acoustic guitar of your dreams.  

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I have personally developed a number of wonderful models that have allowed me to express my own voice in terms of cosmetic & tonal preference but why not bring your own voice and let me know what you want from your guitar?  We are all here to help.

I like to ensure we have a number of guitars available to take away so please use our search facility to see what's available immediately and to order.


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Dowina Mahogany GAC, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.Dowina Mahogany GAC, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.
Dowina Mahogany GAC Verkaufspreis£ 1,174.00
AusverkauftDowina Rosewood GAC, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.Dowina Rosewood GAC, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.
Dowina Rosewood GAC Verkaufspreis£ 1,524.00
Dowina Pure GAC - The Worlds Finest Value Hand Made Acoustic Guitar?, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.Dowina Pure GAC - The Worlds Finest Value Hand Made Acoustic Guitar?, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.
Dowina Walnut Tribute GAC, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.Dowina Walnut Tribute GAC, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.
Dowina Walnut Tribute GAC Verkaufspreis£ 2,024.00
Dowina Rosewood (Ceres) HC Hybrid Nylon String Cutaway, Nylon Strung Guitar zu verkaufen bei Richards Guitars.Dowina Rosewood (Ceres) HC Hybrid Nylon String Cutaway, Nylon Strung Guitar zu verkaufen bei Richards Guitars.
Dowina Figured Ebony GAC, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.Dowina Figured Ebony GAC, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.
Dowina Figured Ebony GAC Verkaufspreis£ 2,324.00
Dowina Master Built Strip Padauk HC Deluxe With Torrified Swiss Spruce Top (Nylon), Nylon Strung Guitar zu verkaufen bei Richards Guitars.Dowina Master Built Strip Padauk HC Deluxe With Torrified Swiss Spruce Top (Nylon), Nylon Strung Guitar zu verkaufen bei Richards Guitars.
Dowina Walnut OMG Cedar. OM Body Acoustic Guitar, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.Dowina Walnut OMG Cedar. OM Body Acoustic Guitar, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.
Dowina Tribute To Honduran Mahogany GAC (15+ years old) Limited amount., Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.Dowina Tribute To Honduran Mahogany GAC (15+ years old) Limited amount., Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.
DOWINA ROSEWOOD GAC Swiss Moon Spruce Hand Made Custom Acoustic Guitar, Akustikgitarre zu verkaufen bei Richards Guitars.DOWINA ROSEWOOD GAC Swiss Moon Spruce Hand Made Custom Acoustic Guitar, Akustikgitarre zu verkaufen bei Richards Guitars.
Dowina Rosewood OMG. OM Body Acoustic Guitar, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.Dowina Rosewood OMG. OM Body Acoustic Guitar, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.
Dowina Rosewood BV, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.Dowina Rosewood BV, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.
Dowina Rosewood BV Verkaufspreis£ 1,524.00
Dowina Granadillo Swiss Moon Spruce BV, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.Dowina Granadillo Swiss Moon Spruce BV, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.
AusverkauftDowina Walnut OMG Deluxe (Torrified Semi-Gloss Swiss Moon Spruce), Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.Dowina Walnut OMG Deluxe (Torrified Semi-Gloss Swiss Moon Spruce), Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.
Dowina Pure BV, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.Dowina Pure BV, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.
Dowina Pure BV Verkaufspreis£ 1,024.00
Dowina Granadillo OMG Deluxe Masters Series With Torrefied Swiss Moon Spruce Top, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.Dowina Granadillo OMG Deluxe Masters Series With Torrefied Swiss Moon Spruce Top, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.
Dowina Masters Gallery Edition Cocobolo GAC SWS, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.Dowina Masters Gallery Edition Cocobolo GAC SWS, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.
Dowina Granadillo GAC TSWS Deluxe Masters Series (Torrified Swiss Moon Spruce), Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.Dowina Granadillo GAC TSWS Deluxe Masters Series (Torrified Swiss Moon Spruce), Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.
Dowina Pure GAC SWS - The Worlds Finest Value Hand Made Acoustic Guitar?, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.Dowina Pure GAC SWS - The Worlds Finest Value Hand Made Acoustic Guitar?, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.
Dowina RoNY New York Rosewood GAC Custom Thermo Cure Full Gloss, Akustikgitarre zum Verkauf bei Richards Guitars.Dowina RoNY New York Rosewood GAC Custom Thermo Cure Full Gloss, Akustikgitarre zum Verkauf bei Richards Guitars.
Dowina Granadillo OMG-H (Nylon), Nylon Strung Guitar zu verkaufen bei Richards Guitars.Dowina Granadillo OMG-H (Nylon), Nylon Strung Guitar zu verkaufen bei Richards Guitars.
Dowina Granadillo OMG-H (Nylon) Verkaufspreis£ 2,324.00
Dowina Mahagoni OMG-H Zedernholz. OM Body Nylon Hybrid Akustikgitarre, Nylon besaitete Gitarre zum Verkauf bei Richards Guitars.Dowina Mahagoni OMG-H Zedernholz. OM Body Nylon Hybrid Akustikgitarre, Nylon besaitete Gitarre zum Verkauf bei Richards Guitars.
Dowina Moonage Dreadnought Swiss Moon Spruce & Rosewood Time Traveller Series, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.Dowina Moonage Dreadnought Swiss Moon Spruce & Rosewood Time Traveller Series, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.
Dowina Rosewood DLX BV TC SWS, Akustikgitarre zu verkaufen bei Richards Guitars.Dowina Rosewood DLX BV TC SWS, Akustikgitarre zu verkaufen bei Richards Guitars.
Dowina Palisander DLX BV TC SWS Verkaufspreis£ 2,024.00
Dowina Rosewood OMG SWS Deluxe OM Body Acoustic Guitar, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.Dowina Rosewood OMG SWS Deluxe OM Body Acoustic Guitar, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.
Dowina Rosewood OMG Spruce. OM Body Acoustic Guitar, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.Dowina Rosewood OMG Spruce. OM Body Acoustic Guitar, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.
Dowina Mahogany OMG Spruce. OM Body Acoustic Guitar, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.Dowina Mahogany OMG Spruce. OM Body Acoustic Guitar, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.
Dowina Cocobolo Trio Plate BV (Cocobolo III), Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.Dowina Cocobolo Trio Plate BV (Cocobolo III), Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.
Dowina Masters Gallery Edition Cocobolo OMG, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.Dowina Masters Gallery Edition Cocobolo OMG, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.
Dowina RoNY New York Rosewood Custom Thermo Cure Full Gloss OMG, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.Dowina RoNY New York Rosewood Custom Thermo Cure Full Gloss OMG, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.
Dowina Walnut Tribute OMG, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.
Dowina Walnut Tribute OMG Verkaufspreis£ 1,574.00
Dowina Cocobolo OMG-H Nylon Hybrid, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.Dowina Cocobolo OMG-H Nylon Hybrid, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.
Dowina Mahogany BV-H Nylon Hybrid, Nylon Strung Guitar zu verkaufen bei Richards Guitars.Dowina Mahogany BV-H Nylon Hybrid, Nylon Strung Guitar zu verkaufen bei Richards Guitars.
Dowina Mahagoni BV-H Nylon Hybrid Verkaufspreis£ 1,174.00
Dowina Rosewood OMG AURA Masters . OM Body Acoustic Guitar, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.Dowina Rosewood OMG AURA Masters . OM Body Acoustic Guitar, Acoustic Guitar for sale at Richards Guitars.