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Das maßgeschneiderte Profi-Setup-Paket ist seit 30 Jahren das Herzstück unseres Service. (Im Wert von über £225) und beinhaltet KOSTENLOSE Lieferung

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Guitar Wall Art " Inspiration"

Sale price£ 9.99
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*FREE auf ALLE Premium-Gitarren

Benutzerdefiniertes Pro-Setup-Paket

Klicken Sie hier für weitere Details und viele 5-Sterne-Kundenerfahrungen

Custom Pro Setup Package (Total Value £225), Pro Guitar Setup zu verkaufen bei Richards Guitars.
Custom Pro Setup & Follow Up Service Paket im Wert von £200 (Verfügbar bei NEUEN Gitarrenkäufen), Pro Guitar Setup zum Verkauf bei Richards Guitars.
Custom Pro Setup Package (Total Value £225), Pro Guitar Setup zu verkaufen bei Richards Guitars.

*Erhältlich zu stark subventionierten Preisen für alle Gitarren, die nicht kostenlos erhältlich sind - und die Lieferung ist ebenfalls KOSTENLOS!


Based on 57 reviews
René C.
Very pleased with the instrument

Very pleased with the instrument and the set up is perfect.
René Choinière

Colin B.
Really great quality and beautiful

Really great quality and beautiful sound

James S.
LAG T70A Set-up

The guitar purchased was available slightly cheaper elsewhere but I'm glad I paid the small extra premium for having it properly inspected and beautifully set up prior to dispatch.

Gordon C.
Guitar came playable straight from

Guitar came playable straight from delivery with great action & setup from the tech, also presented in a clean finish. Many thanks.

Allen J.
A first-rate service and customer

A first-rate service and customer support that provided a beautiful guitar, set-up to meet my preferences. Highly recommended.

Peter H.
Godin a12

Godin a12

John C.
My guitar arrived ready to

My guitar arrived ready to play straight from the box. Wonderful service.

william s.
When i received the guitar

When i received the guitar i had a few issues around intonation, nut and the floating trem. I am an epi user so new to float trem so was probably expectating miracles. However after a few emails with Richard Guitars support team they were good enough to arrange for prompt collection and the guitar was re-set to my specs with the trem blocked off. Now happy and worth paying a bit more to ensure the guitar is "right".

Przemyslaw B.
As always, perfect!!!

As always, perfect!!!

Robert S.
Terrific service from Richards, set

Terrific service from Richards, set up was perfect with great action and worth the wait. The Eastman e1d classic finish I received was flawless as well as being a beautiful sounding guitar.
Thanks very much.

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