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Celebrating Our Customers Birthdays

Richards Guitars has always been more than just selling guitars - I've always wanted (often feeling frustratingly unable) to building a closer connection with my customers - with a kind of child like desperation to show my gratitude for their belief in what we do - which I have never lost (I think its called ADHD - but thats another story :) ) 

I remember 30 years ago, I would enter my customers' birthday into my computer - and some customers even got a card in the post - Now talking of ADHD -  for someone with ADHD that was a major task, and I am sure it was appreciated by the few who ever got them! :)

So you can imagine my absolute joy that I can now recreate those memories and good sentiment that was generated from celebrating my customers Birthdays - all over again :)

So much has changed over the years - but my love and commitment to life and business never dwindles - nor my selfish pleasure of putting a smile on someone's face whenever possible.

If you'd like to share that with me - Feel free!

To receive your birthday treat - just login to your customer control panel and you will find it there.

If you have any problems, just let us know by email at

Your Purchases are Making A Real Difference

Beyond natures constructs - what you experience every day is the result of someone's thought. Actions follow thoughts and every action has an impact - for better or for worse.

Thinking of buying a guitar?

If you buy from us - the impact will be a guitar received setup to perfection, personally recommended based on 29 years industry history & research - you wil avoid buying a guitar you regret - you'll help remove.a plastic bottle from the ocean, £1 will go to butterfly conservation, you'll receive a tree to plant & you will be contributing to the £100 a month we forward to MIND mental health.

As I say, thoughts lead to actions which will have impact - for better or for worse :)

Ocean Bound Plastics

Butterfly Conservation

Mental Health

RE Forestation

Daily Insta Pics

A great WaY to Stay Connected

Subscribing to our Instagram will bring you the pics & reels I create but checking them out here will give you so much more context with additional detail available on the product pages - and of course you can click on chat and discuss anything you see appearing, and i'll be happy to give you the back story behind the recommendaton.

Just click on an image to learn more!