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Below, I detail what I personally would want from a " Best Guitar Shop Experience " - Something I have never experienced in a guitar shop - but would LOVE it if I could one day experience it as a player

It would be amazing if I genuinely believed the person who was serving me only had my interests at heart, and it gave them pleasure to know they were helping me on my guitar buying journey (rather than feeling I am taking up their time and they really have other things to do).

I would be fascinated by an Inventory that was based around the experiences and recommendations of the guitar shop owner.  I would be intrigued to know why the guitars were recommended and learn more about them.

I would hope that should something go wrong, due to the experience of the guitar shop with the brand that I bought, they would be best equipped to support me with a warranty or helping deal with the problem.

It would be incredible if I knew I would be the only person there - as I always feel uncomfortable playing in front of other people and rarely have an opportunity to get the attention of who I need to speak to when they are running a busy guitar shop.

It would be lovely if I bought a guitar that it would be setup to my needs and requirements.

Imagine if they would even let me have the guitar setup again in 6 months and 12 months afterwards?

I suppose the icing on the cake would be that they would be available all hours maybe through live chat and maybe the owner was a bit of a fanatic who was always keen to make sure I was being looked after.

So that would be MY PERSONAL dream guitar shop. 

What I have summarized IS Richards Guitars - In a nutshell!

Those are the reasons why I created Richards Guitars 29 years ago and that is why we have become Europes leading specialist in all the brands that I recommend.

I truly love helping people - love the fact that we are demonstrating that there is a place for honesty and integrity of advice - over and beyond marketing, hype and what I call illusory truth (that dominates our industry).

If any of this sounds like your ideal guitar shop - We are here and I promise we wont let you down.

Regardless of whether the guitars we sell are suited to you personally (and we would be the first to help you decide they are NOT - if that was the case - The last thing we would ever want is a wasted journey), you simply cannot purchase a "bad" guitar and in fact every guitar I sell is a benchmark in the industry (yes, in my "humble" opinion!).

Every recommendation and every guitar on the wall can be backed up by evidence / facts / reviews that cannot be argued about why the guitar is considered a recommendation against anything else in its genre.

Sounds hard to believe even when writing this but everything you have read is true! :)

More importantly I hope you can have a day out to remember and an experience that will be truly memorable i(hopefully n a positive way!)

Hope to see you soon!


    Best UK Guitar Shop

We are here to help provide guitar advice and support

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UK Guitar Shop Specialisting In Acoustic Guitar and electric guitars

Safest Hands

Thousands of reviews from various sources demonstrate we are second to none when it comes to providing the very best customer experience pre-sale and in the long term with our ongoing support for each customer.

UK Guitar Shop specialising in acoustic and electric guitars

Unique Approach

On every level - our approach is unique. Whether it be the how we select the guitars to recommend to our customers, the professional setup that every instrument receives pre sale, the 6 and 12 month check and reset or the host of "Earth Friendly" consequences that are enabled because of your purchase.

Fuirch Guitars - Eastman Guitars - Eastman Guitars.  Europes #1 Guitar Shop

Europes #1 Specialist

Due to the highly personalized way Richard selects his recommendations based on 29 years in the industry and his desire to "sell" based on providing information, advice, education and most importantly marrying these elements with the needs of the player - we have become the largest dealer for all our key recommendations not just in the UK but Europe