The Best 12 String Acoustic Guitar For £1000?
If you visit Richards Guitars you will be presented with guitars based on 27 years research. Every guitar a personal recommendation that I would recommend to my best friend.
#1 Furch Blue Gc CM 12
For PURE unadulterated tone, you wont beat the Furch Blue Gc CM 12. The 6 string version has been a top personal recommendation for nearly 2 decades - The reviews speak for themselves and if you want a tone machine this is the one for you. Its the PERFECT 12 string. Not too big - massive sound and stunning build quality.
I dont have a review of the 12 string but I did this video 4 years ago now and my love for it hasnt changed one bit....
#2 Eastman AC330E-12 Electro 12 String Jumbo
The AC330E-12 started life as a pure acoustic but later on was fitted with a lovely Fishman Matrix system - which is a perfect pickup system to compliment this beautiful jumbo 12 string.
The Eastman is a fine instrument - You could argue the stunning woods used on this guitar (Eastmans wood selection is gorgeous) combined with the beautiful gloss finish, hardcase included and pickup system would make this a higher recommendation than the Furch. It is an INCREDIBLE 12 string guitar and worthy of anyone top personal recommendation but for me personally its pipped by the Furch totally stripped down - natural feel and of course we can install the pickup for you no problem. However if you are looking for the "full package" in terms of stunning looks, electronics and case - then its no wonder the Eastman is as popular with our customers as it has been with me for .... Well I just found this video which is FIVE YEARS old! Oh... time flies far too quickly....
#3 LAG T177 J12CE Jumbo Cutaway Electro Acoustic 12 String Guitar
Both of the guitars I have mentioned above are the best 12 string acoustics I could ever possibly recommend to you at the £1000 mark but what about if the budget is a little tighter? LAG produce the most wonderful mid-price electro acoustic guitars. They give you everything you could ever want. Stylish - high quality - feel wonderful - and their 12 string offering is a perfect example of what I love about them. Any round-up of personal 12-string acoustic guitar recommendations wouldn't be complete without the T177 12 JCE.
Sadly - no video at this time as I havnt had time (so sorry!) - It was introduced in 2022 and will do a video review as soon as I possibly can!
In terms of benefits...
1. The pickup system is superb providing you a built in tuner, bass, mid, treble frequency contols and a notch filter for feedback control. Nice.
2. Laminate back and sides means you are less prone to feedback issues when performing - so an ideal performance electro
3. Being cheaper ? Less stress when taking to the open mics - £500 isnt a cheap guitar by any means but maybe you will feel a little more comfortable with taking this one out to social gatherings than the Furch Blue Gc CM 12 which you may feel needs to be kept att home! So.... you will be needing both right?!! :)
There you go - 3 Wonderful personal recommendations for 12 string acoustic guitars. Hopefully you can decide which suits you best and please be reassured I dont make recommendations lightly and these are truly second to none.